Wednesday, July 18, 2012


               I can’t see why some people have so much trouble disconnecting.  It is nice to be on top of everything going on in your life but it starts to be a problem when it bothers others.  And there is the possibility of hurting or killing others (like texting while driving).  I tend to have the thought that when driving that is what you should be concentrating on.  I do not feel that is the case with a lot of people and that is the majority of the reason I do not drive anymore. 

               I have the idea that if you are too stupid to live then you should not live.  What I mean is that if you do stupid things that can kill you, then no one should stop you from doing those things and eventually that situation will work itself out very nicely.  I have a very low tolerance for stupidity.  I invaded Iraq in 2003 and watched with my own eyes some of the dumbest things in the world.  So I may be less than sensitive to some things.  But the idea that anyone would get behind the wheel of a two ton vehicle and want to talk on the phone or text is just beyond words.  I can’t think of anything that would be that important that you should endanger everyone around you.  In combat we call those people officers, but (and here is the key) the officers are not allowed to drive period.  When you are trying to command troops you need to be connected but if the US ARMY thinks being connected is not a good idea while driving, they might have a point.

               I ride a bicycle and there is not a day that I’m on my bike that I don’t see at least one person chatting away on the cellphone or texting.  To me that is just like watching a train wreck waiting for a place to happen.  I know that I can be hit by a car at any moment when I am on the bike but the  thought that I keep in my head is that I probably will not survive the accident and that makes me feel much better about that.  But when you see how little some people pay attention it still a scary thought.  Then you add cellphones and it’s just crazy.  I have been hit by cars and that was before cellphone were everywhere.  Now I’m just waiting for it to happen again, and  my guess is that it will be someone that was talking on the phone or texting.

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