Thursday, June 28, 2012

We're All Doomed

I'm having to make a new blog.

My analisis of the video that I viewed is that many people think that pop culture and the media is having the effect of encuraging poor behaviour in the youth of toady.  Many of the "Hip Hop" artists sound like they are promoting the idea of "get rich or die trying" (50 Cent).  25 years ago music never really glamorized shooting people and dealing drugs.  I don't feel that it is the right thing to be doing. but understand that freedom of speech alows for many things that i wouldn't choose for myself.  I'm not sure when talking about girl parts in pop music came around but find it very interesting that it is now becoming the standard (Lady Gaga).  one of the lines in Ice Cube's song "today was a good day" he didn't even have to use his AK(AK 47).  While I'm no proud I can say that most of the new music is not for me.  The media in another story.  In some circles getting arrested is seen as a right of passage(  This just kind of odd to me. In the end its up to the individual to decide what is right for them.